Bench top polishing techniques
There are a number of different bench top stone polishing techniques that can be used to give your stone surfaces a beautiful, high-quality finish.
he best way to determine which technique is right for your project will depend on the type of stone you’re working with, as well as the desired final look. Here are some of the most popular options:
1. Wet Polishing: Wet polishing is one of the most common methods for finishing stone surfaces.
As a result, this technique uses water to cool and lubricate the abrasive pads and stones, which helps to reduce friction and heat build up. It also minimizes dust production, making it a great choice for indoor projects.
Wet polishing can be performed by hand using a sponge or cloth, or with a purpose-built wet polisher.
2. Dry Polishing: Dry polishing is another popular option, especially for outdoor projects where water may not be readily available.
This technique relies on dry abrasive pads to buff and polish the stone surface. While it produces more dust than wet polishing, this can be minimized with the use of a vacuum attachment. Dry polishing can also be done by hand using a soft cloth or brush.
3. Diamond Polishing: Diamond polished finishes are achieved by using specially-coated diamond abrasive pads in conjunction with either water or oil lubricants.
This method is typically reserved for harder stones such as granite or marble, as softer stones can be damaged by the diamond abrasives
The ‘Renaissance’ method
As a professional trade company, using our 3-headed planetary bench top polisher, we can re polish any stone surface achieving either a factory polish or a satin finish.